Inspirational Quote

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." Jesse Jackson

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday the 13th, 2012-Sign up day

So excited to hear on HOT 89.9 that the Canadian Diabetes  association was holding a walk/run event in Iceland with return airfare and room accommodations paid to raise funds for Diabetes.  I had a goal on my vision board to complete a half-marathon before 2013.  What a great opportunity this would be!  AND coincidentally, the day before, I had met with a new client that told me she had been to Iceland and wanted to travel back as she had really enjoyed the experience.  I run down to my computer and look up details....UNBELIEVABLE!!!!  Don't I find out that the half-marathon date is scheduled on the exact day of my 40th birthday!  This is too uncanny!  Almost like it was meant to be.  I thought, what a great cause to grandpa has lived with Diabetes and I remember a boy in my grade school class having a seizure in the middle of the class.  It was so scary to witness at that young age...I didn't know what was happening and had never seen this happen turned out his sugar levels were too low.  He had diabetes!
So I do a bit more research to find out commitments and turns out I have to raise a minimum of $6,100 by July 6th.  Well, this changed my excitement to fear and worry!  How would I ever raise that kind of money?  But I was sooooooo excited and I felt like this was meant to be as there were to many coincidences with my life!  After some "himming and hawing", I remembered my New Years Resolution: "Just Do It".  So I thought...what the heck...I'm going to register.  I'll just do it! And I did.

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