Inspirational Quote

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." Jesse Jackson

Saturday, January 28, 2012


On Tuesday January 24th, Keller Williams VIP Realty held their annual "kick-off" event to help KICK START a successful year for their agents and employees.  I always look forward to attending this event as our brokerage invites a special guest speaker whom is always inspiring and motivating. I gets me rev-ed up and ready for the great opportunities that await me in the new year! 
This year, to my surprise, my Team Leader, MIETTE DRIVER invited me to come up on stage (no, I wasn't the special guest to speak about my my goal to make a big difference in my life, and in the fight against Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by having the honour of representing my Country while completing a half-marathon in Iceland.
I was caught by total surprise, but I was so happy and honored to have the opportunity to share this exciting story with over 100 people.
After I finished speaking, Miette encouraged everyone to support my cause to help me reach my $6,100 fundraising goal.  I was so touched that Miette thought of me and that she was so incredibly supportive...although not surprised by her action as it is the Keller Williams Way!  Keller Williams agents are different than most...we pride ourselves on helping others and giving back...and ONCE AGAIN....MY KW FAMILY has demonstrated this.
Pledges and support have come pouring in from agents in the office.  Right after the event, I had people come up to me and tell me that they would be happy to run with me, that they had contacts for me to connect with, and just some amazing support!  My team leader was contacted by many agents in the office asking if they could have an automatic deduction from their commission cheque go towards my fundraising and my wonderful Broker WENDY BELL has committed to give $25 per cheque for my run.  Keller Williams is truly blessed to have such kind hearted and generous agents.....I am truly blessed to have them in my life.
Thank you Keller Williams Family for your tremendous support!


  1. Julie, you are an inspiration to us all! We are proud to be supporting such a great cause of course, but supporting YOU is really what it is all about! You Go Girl!!
