Inspirational Quote

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." Jesse Jackson

Thursday, March 29, 2012

...and the support keeps pouring in :)

A big thank you goes out to my client for putting out a challenge to all my friends to match her $15.00 donation!  The challenge raised a total of $270.00!!!  Awesome...thanks so much to everyone who took up the challenge!
I also created a fundraiser by drawing up 100 squares on a bristol board....I am selling each square for $5.00...the purchaser just needs to put their name on the square for an opportunity to win $100.00!!!  Once all the squares have been purchased, I will cut them up and put them all in a hat and draw a name......The remainder of the funds raised will go towards my fundraising efforts!
I just created this board 2 days ago and brought it in to the office at Keller Williams VIP realty and already 66 squares have been purchased....this is phenominal!
As for my training is going extremely well.  I have my up days and down days and I have skipped a few workouts but I am so encouraged by the change I have seen in my body.  When I don't feel like working out or running, I just think about how rewarding the outcome is.  Just that change...pushes me to "Just Do It".  I am feeling great!  I run 3 times/ week and do weight training 4-5 times per week.  I've lost 7 pounds and have toned up .... no more mushroom top hanging out of my
Everyone has been so supportive and guys also keep me pumped!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


One of my clients has just donated $15.00 to the Canadian Diabetes Association towards my personal pledge page.  She has asked me to post this on my blog and to PUT OUT A CHALLENGE TO EVERYONE out there to do the same and match or exceed her $15.00 donation.

Here is the link:
With a minimum of a $15.00 donation, you will receive an income tax receipt.
Thanks to my amazing know who you are...and to all those that take up this challenge!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Great morning!

What incredible weather to keep me motivated to work towards my training!  BBQ season is finally here!  Loving it! Monday evening, I ran in my very first running clinic through the running room... the class was huge!!!  Great turn out.  I have also been going to the gym every weekday morning.  I alternate my workouts between lower body and upper body.  Doing GREAT progress!!!  I already lost 5 lbs!  Woot woot....but most importantly I am feeling FANTASTIC!  On top of the world.

As for my fundraising is also coming along well thanks to all my friends, colleagues, co-workers, family....THANK you for your incredible support.  To date, I've collected $1665.00 for the Canadian Diabetes Association which accounts for 27% of my total goal.  I have an April 5th deadline quickly approaching and need to reach $2,500 by then.  I will be creating a fundraiser game to help me reach my April 5th fundraising deadline goal.
Here's how it will work....I will have a large board with numbers from 1 to 100 squared off and I will be selling each square for 5 dollars.  Anyone can purchase a square and mark their name and contact info on it.  Once I have sold all 100 squares, I will draw a number from 1-100 and the winner will win  100 dollars while the rest of the money will be donated towards the Canadian Diabetes Association.  Be sure to contact me to purchase your square!  The Canadian Diabetes Association can also provide you with a tax receipt for any donations/square purchases over $15.00.  Hope you play the game for an opportunity to win!! and contribute to an important cause at the same time!  It's a win win!
If you would like to donate on-line...just click the following link:
Good luck to all the participants and thank you in advance for your support.  If you would like to purchase a square, please contact me by email at to request your number:)

Monday, March 12, 2012

...AND I'M OFF!!

Great day for a run!  Ran 30km...KIDDING....ran 30 minutes...closer to 4-5Km :)
I ran next to my training daughter.  She was riding her bike next to me as I ran.  She encourages me to stay fit and youthful.  Great training partner.  Had lots of fun and fresh air but now I'm DONE!  Hmmm....I got a lot of training ahead of me to reach my 21.5Km goal.
Today was just the beginning.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


If this is the truth...I am well on my way to achieve my goals!  Joined the local Gym and had my first upper and lower body work out this week....woke up this morning in such PAIN!!!  I could barely get out of bed.  I guess that's a good sign...means I still have muscle :)
Just need to get them back into shape.  My triceps, abs, ribs?? , buttocks and quads are hurting. Before you know it...I will have the body of a 20yr old again...can't wait.