Inspirational Quote

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." Jesse Jackson

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Begining to increase my distance!

It's been a while since I've posted an update on my training progress.  My training has been going extremely well!  I have been working out regularly at the GRC gym 4 days per week.  One day working my upper body and the next my lower body.  Everyday I include an abdominal workout when I attend the gym.  I am also still running 3 times/week and I am nearing completion of the "Learn to Run" clinic at the running room.  I began my training by working on my endurance.  We were running 2 minutes and walking 1 min for about 3 km.  We did this 3 times/week.  Every week, we increased our run time to 3 min, 4min and now I am running 10 min, walking 1 min for about 4.5km-5km! Last week, I felt pretty good and increased my distance by running an extra 10 min for a total of 45 min and TODAY, I increased my distance again and ran a total of 55 min! Now that I have increased my endurance, I am ready to work on increasing my distance.  For the next few weeks, I plan on increasing my distance by 10 minutes/week.  For the rest of this week, I will continue my 55 minute runs with 10 minute running and  1minute walking intervals. Then next week I will run for 65minutes, and keep increasing my time weekly by 10 minutes until I can complete a 1/2marathon.  I figure it will take me between 2-2.5hrs to complete!

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