Inspirational Quote

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." Jesse Jackson

Monday, June 18, 2012

Measurements and progress!

My training has been going incredibly well.  I had to take a break on my daily gym workouts as business really picked up this past month and I have not been able to make the time for my morning workouts.  I have still been doing my runs and I recently ran 12KM with no cramping or pains and feeling great after my run.  My biggest challenge is still my fundraising.  I have raised $2700.00 to date and had to personally invest the difference to reach my $4,500.00 milestone in order to be able to book my flight. Good news flight is now booked and I can't wait for my run!
I thought it would be fun to check out my before measurements and my current body measurements to see what kind of a change my body has experienced.  Personally, without looking at numbers, I have never felt better about myself.  My body feels great...even better than my teen years :-)
BEFORE-February 27, 2012
Weight: 128lbs
Waist:   31 inches
Chest:   25 inches
Thighs:  35 inches
Hips:      36 inches
Pipes:   11.75  inches

4 MONTHS LATER-June 18th, 2012

Weight:    can't find my scale!!! Who cares! All I know  is that I can fit into clothes I haven't been able to wear in about 2 yrs!

Waist:      29 inches
Chest:      35 inches....huh?? What the...??
                  I must have measured
                  incorrectly last time...could I have grown
                 10 inches in my chest?? Wow wee!
Thighs:     34 inches
Hips:        35 inches
Pipes:       11.25 inches

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