Inspirational Quote

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." Jesse Jackson

Thursday, August 2, 2012


WOW, so hard to believe that in less than 2 weeks, I will be jumping on a plane and heading to Iceland to complete my 1/2 marathon!!!Especially when I have let my training go.  I was doing so well, running three days/week and attending the gym 5 days/week!  I hate to admit that for the most part of July, I took a break. I let my training and healthy eating habits go and indulged in greasy, yummy food and fancy drinks.... put on a few pounds.

Last week I received an email and my running shirt from Team Diabetes....what a wake up call!! I had to switch gears... I thought, it's do or die. August 18th is not going away and I had committed to the half marathon and raising funds for the Canadian Diabetes this week, I jumped back on my saddle!
Last Friday I attempted to run 3miles and nearly died after 2 miles.  I cramped up and had to stop.  But I didn't give up...I just figured, that's only one on Tuesday July 31st, I put on my sneakers, my sunscreen, grabbed my bottle of water and my Iphone with my running music and ran 6 MILES!!!!  I felt so good....I CAN DO IT!!  I believe the success of completing and achieving the 1/2 marathon is mostly mental.....kind of like life.  If I set my mind to it....I know I can do may be difficult and painful, but I will do it and I will feel great about my success.
Today I ran 4miles and also felt great afterwords.  Now I have to start getting geared up for the run. Looking forward to exciting.
I still have not met my fundraising goal but I am more than half way to reaching my $6,100.00.  Not certain of the exact number yet as I've had to pay off the difference with my credit card to ensure I can participate.  I will need to look at the numbers and will post my progress in my next Blog.

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