Inspirational Quote

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." Jesse Jackson

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Reykjavik, Day 2

Woke up to another beautiful day in Reykjavik....alarm went off at 6am...but my internal clock didn't allow to wake up until 8:00am!  So much for having time to digest my breakfast before my 9am Team Diabetes fun Run....I quickly slipped on my running gear and grabbed a bite then headed in front of our hotel to meet the rest of the team.  Had a great 5.5km run, then the rest of the day was "shopping day".  Turns out Reykjavik is pretty pricey!  Be it food, clothes or ain't cheap!  I payed $10.00 US for an espresso Americano and and small is about $7.50/beer.....yeuuuuup!
After shopping we met the Team for our Pre-race dinner.  Great food, great people.  Met a bunch of fantastic people from across Canada:
Nick and Ryan......from Ottawa (we call them the matching guys.....always wearing matching shirts...Nick is 6'5 and Ryan is average height.
Andy....from Ottawa
Troy from Edmonton
Trina....from Regina
Jocelyn from Calgary
Harry from Calgary
Wayne and Heather from North of Barrie
Johnny and Donna from Saskatchewan
Chris Coveny.....fellow Realtor in Ottawa
and Scott Rush from Hot 89.9 Radio Station in Ottawa.
Joe Orrechio and Donna Dowsett....Team Diabetes

Now, just back at the room, gonna chill so that I am prepared for the big race....can't wait!

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