Inspirational Quote

"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it." Jesse Jackson

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day??? Lost track of time!

Arrived in Hofn, it's Wednesday night at 9pm. Just settling into our sleeping quarters which is kinda like a bed and home with no breakfast included. Just a room with a double bed! Should be an interesting sleep considering my travel partner snores. So far our adventure has reminded me a lot of the movie " Planes, trains and automobiles with John Candy.  Not a dull moment with Nyree my travel partner! We rented a 4x4 Kia and we set off on our own little adventure travelling the island. Today, has been by far, the most spectacular! I have seen places, I have only dreamed of. Iceland is so vast and has so many different landscapes. From lunar views, to mountains, volcanoes, incredible waterfalls and even icebergs!
For dinner, we ate a a local restaurant in Hofn, on the pier. I had Icelandic was delicious! For lunch, lamb sandwich....OH so good! I love this Country and feel so lucky to be here! I want to share pictures but having difficulties with wifi downloads at this time. Sorry!

Reykjavik, Day 2

Woke up to another beautiful day in Reykjavik....alarm went off at 6am...but my internal clock didn't allow to wake up until 8:00am!  So much for having time to digest my breakfast before my 9am Team Diabetes fun Run....I quickly slipped on my running gear and grabbed a bite then headed in front of our hotel to meet the rest of the team.  Had a great 5.5km run, then the rest of the day was "shopping day".  Turns out Reykjavik is pretty pricey!  Be it food, clothes or ain't cheap!  I payed $10.00 US for an espresso Americano and and small is about $7.50/beer.....yeuuuuup!
After shopping we met the Team for our Pre-race dinner.  Great food, great people.  Met a bunch of fantastic people from across Canada:
Nick and Ryan......from Ottawa (we call them the matching guys.....always wearing matching shirts...Nick is 6'5 and Ryan is average height.
Andy....from Ottawa
Troy from Edmonton
Trina....from Regina
Jocelyn from Calgary
Harry from Calgary
Wayne and Heather from North of Barrie
Johnny and Donna from Saskatchewan
Chris Coveny.....fellow Realtor in Ottawa
and Scott Rush from Hot 89.9 Radio Station in Ottawa.
Joe Orrechio and Donna Dowsett....Team Diabetes

Now, just back at the room, gonna chill so that I am prepared for the big race....can't wait!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Jru!st landed at Keflavic Airport
Guess what? We're in Iceland....said Nyree as our plane was nearing the runway. My face lit up and I had a permanent smile. Although I hadn't slept a wink on the flight from Washington to Iceland, my adrenaline must have kicked in because I suddenly had a burst of energy.
 We arrived at Keflavic at 8am and made our way to our hotel in Reykjavik....approx. 45min drive.  Upon arrival we had some time to spare prior to our Welcome breakfast.  Starving and suddenly feeling myblack of sleep, we walked to a nearby coffee shop for an espresso and pastry.  On our way, we were startled by the loud planes flying out of the Reykjavik airport!  I couldn't believe how close they were flying above our heads....every 10 to 15 minutes, another plane would fly above was spectacular!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


WOW, so hard to believe that in less than 2 weeks, I will be jumping on a plane and heading to Iceland to complete my 1/2 marathon!!!Especially when I have let my training go.  I was doing so well, running three days/week and attending the gym 5 days/week!  I hate to admit that for the most part of July, I took a break. I let my training and healthy eating habits go and indulged in greasy, yummy food and fancy drinks.... put on a few pounds.

Last week I received an email and my running shirt from Team Diabetes....what a wake up call!! I had to switch gears... I thought, it's do or die. August 18th is not going away and I had committed to the half marathon and raising funds for the Canadian Diabetes this week, I jumped back on my saddle!
Last Friday I attempted to run 3miles and nearly died after 2 miles.  I cramped up and had to stop.  But I didn't give up...I just figured, that's only one on Tuesday July 31st, I put on my sneakers, my sunscreen, grabbed my bottle of water and my Iphone with my running music and ran 6 MILES!!!!  I felt so good....I CAN DO IT!!  I believe the success of completing and achieving the 1/2 marathon is mostly mental.....kind of like life.  If I set my mind to it....I know I can do may be difficult and painful, but I will do it and I will feel great about my success.
Today I ran 4miles and also felt great afterwords.  Now I have to start getting geared up for the run. Looking forward to exciting.
I still have not met my fundraising goal but I am more than half way to reaching my $6,100.00.  Not certain of the exact number yet as I've had to pay off the difference with my credit card to ensure I can participate.  I will need to look at the numbers and will post my progress in my next Blog.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Measurements and progress!

My training has been going incredibly well.  I had to take a break on my daily gym workouts as business really picked up this past month and I have not been able to make the time for my morning workouts.  I have still been doing my runs and I recently ran 12KM with no cramping or pains and feeling great after my run.  My biggest challenge is still my fundraising.  I have raised $2700.00 to date and had to personally invest the difference to reach my $4,500.00 milestone in order to be able to book my flight. Good news flight is now booked and I can't wait for my run!
I thought it would be fun to check out my before measurements and my current body measurements to see what kind of a change my body has experienced.  Personally, without looking at numbers, I have never felt better about myself.  My body feels great...even better than my teen years :-)
BEFORE-February 27, 2012
Weight: 128lbs
Waist:   31 inches
Chest:   25 inches
Thighs:  35 inches
Hips:      36 inches
Pipes:   11.75  inches

4 MONTHS LATER-June 18th, 2012

Weight:    can't find my scale!!! Who cares! All I know  is that I can fit into clothes I haven't been able to wear in about 2 yrs!

Waist:      29 inches
Chest:      35 inches....huh?? What the...??
                  I must have measured
                  incorrectly last time...could I have grown
                 10 inches in my chest?? Wow wee!
Thighs:     34 inches
Hips:        35 inches
Pipes:       11.25 inches

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Begining to increase my distance!

It's been a while since I've posted an update on my training progress.  My training has been going extremely well!  I have been working out regularly at the GRC gym 4 days per week.  One day working my upper body and the next my lower body.  Everyday I include an abdominal workout when I attend the gym.  I am also still running 3 times/week and I am nearing completion of the "Learn to Run" clinic at the running room.  I began my training by working on my endurance.  We were running 2 minutes and walking 1 min for about 3 km.  We did this 3 times/week.  Every week, we increased our run time to 3 min, 4min and now I am running 10 min, walking 1 min for about 4.5km-5km! Last week, I felt pretty good and increased my distance by running an extra 10 min for a total of 45 min and TODAY, I increased my distance again and ran a total of 55 min! Now that I have increased my endurance, I am ready to work on increasing my distance.  For the next few weeks, I plan on increasing my distance by 10 minutes/week.  For the rest of this week, I will continue my 55 minute runs with 10 minute running and  1minute walking intervals. Then next week I will run for 65minutes, and keep increasing my time weekly by 10 minutes until I can complete a 1/2marathon.  I figure it will take me between 2-2.5hrs to complete!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

...and the support keeps pouring in :)

A big thank you goes out to my client for putting out a challenge to all my friends to match her $15.00 donation!  The challenge raised a total of $270.00!!!  Awesome...thanks so much to everyone who took up the challenge!
I also created a fundraiser by drawing up 100 squares on a bristol board....I am selling each square for $5.00...the purchaser just needs to put their name on the square for an opportunity to win $100.00!!!  Once all the squares have been purchased, I will cut them up and put them all in a hat and draw a name......The remainder of the funds raised will go towards my fundraising efforts!
I just created this board 2 days ago and brought it in to the office at Keller Williams VIP realty and already 66 squares have been purchased....this is phenominal!
As for my training is going extremely well.  I have my up days and down days and I have skipped a few workouts but I am so encouraged by the change I have seen in my body.  When I don't feel like working out or running, I just think about how rewarding the outcome is.  Just that change...pushes me to "Just Do It".  I am feeling great!  I run 3 times/ week and do weight training 4-5 times per week.  I've lost 7 pounds and have toned up .... no more mushroom top hanging out of my
Everyone has been so supportive and guys also keep me pumped!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


One of my clients has just donated $15.00 to the Canadian Diabetes Association towards my personal pledge page.  She has asked me to post this on my blog and to PUT OUT A CHALLENGE TO EVERYONE out there to do the same and match or exceed her $15.00 donation.

Here is the link:
With a minimum of a $15.00 donation, you will receive an income tax receipt.
Thanks to my amazing know who you are...and to all those that take up this challenge!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Great morning!

What incredible weather to keep me motivated to work towards my training!  BBQ season is finally here!  Loving it! Monday evening, I ran in my very first running clinic through the running room... the class was huge!!!  Great turn out.  I have also been going to the gym every weekday morning.  I alternate my workouts between lower body and upper body.  Doing GREAT progress!!!  I already lost 5 lbs!  Woot woot....but most importantly I am feeling FANTASTIC!  On top of the world.

As for my fundraising is also coming along well thanks to all my friends, colleagues, co-workers, family....THANK you for your incredible support.  To date, I've collected $1665.00 for the Canadian Diabetes Association which accounts for 27% of my total goal.  I have an April 5th deadline quickly approaching and need to reach $2,500 by then.  I will be creating a fundraiser game to help me reach my April 5th fundraising deadline goal.
Here's how it will work....I will have a large board with numbers from 1 to 100 squared off and I will be selling each square for 5 dollars.  Anyone can purchase a square and mark their name and contact info on it.  Once I have sold all 100 squares, I will draw a number from 1-100 and the winner will win  100 dollars while the rest of the money will be donated towards the Canadian Diabetes Association.  Be sure to contact me to purchase your square!  The Canadian Diabetes Association can also provide you with a tax receipt for any donations/square purchases over $15.00.  Hope you play the game for an opportunity to win!! and contribute to an important cause at the same time!  It's a win win!
If you would like to donate on-line...just click the following link:
Good luck to all the participants and thank you in advance for your support.  If you would like to purchase a square, please contact me by email at to request your number:)

Monday, March 12, 2012

...AND I'M OFF!!

Great day for a run!  Ran 30km...KIDDING....ran 30 minutes...closer to 4-5Km :)
I ran next to my training daughter.  She was riding her bike next to me as I ran.  She encourages me to stay fit and youthful.  Great training partner.  Had lots of fun and fresh air but now I'm DONE!  Hmmm....I got a lot of training ahead of me to reach my 21.5Km goal.
Today was just the beginning.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


If this is the truth...I am well on my way to achieve my goals!  Joined the local Gym and had my first upper and lower body work out this week....woke up this morning in such PAIN!!!  I could barely get out of bed.  I guess that's a good sign...means I still have muscle :)
Just need to get them back into shape.  My triceps, abs, ribs?? , buttocks and quads are hurting. Before you know it...I will have the body of a 20yr old again...can't wait.

Monday, February 27, 2012


I'm so pumped...purchased my new runners, signed up for the "Learn To Run" clinic through "The Running Room", purchased the "Running Book...complete guide to building your running program"....and spent 63minutes test running the new shoes on the treadmill this am. Yeah!
Check out my new training partners!
I start my very first clinic on March excited!
Alright...we need to get before and after here are theBEFORE:
Weight: 128lbs
Waist:   31 inches
Chest:   25 inches
Thighs:  35 inches
Hips:      36 inches
Pipes:   11.75  inches

Friday, February 17, 2012

Fundraising with a whole new PURPOSE

Last night, I attended a Team Diabetes meeting at the Canadian Diabetes Association office on Montreal Rd.  I was going there to get more information on the process to reach my goal in both fundraising and training.  I also wanted to find out if I could connect with others in Ottawa that are participating and get info on setting up travel etc.
Well, by the time I left I had a whole new purpose for my fundraising goal.  Initially my purpose for signing  up for this half-marathon was to reach my own goal of completing a half-marathon as well as living an active, healthy lifestyle. I realized that my body has changed in the past year and that it does not respond as well to the "all you can eat" buffet's as it used to. 
After last night's meeting, my fundraising purpose had broadened as I learned a lot more about Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.  I realized just how serious Diabetes is and how it greatly impacts the lives of those who have it or have a family member touched by it.  I also learned about the key role that the Canadian Diabetes Association  plays in the lives of these people in terms of providing services and support to those touched by diabetes, bringing awareness and contributing towards the research in finding a cure.
Did you know that thanks to the fundraising efforts of people like myself and to donors like yourselves, the Canadian Diabetes Association runs an overnight camp for children with type 1 Diabetes?  This is amazing as it allows children affected by Diabetes to be with other children that are just like them. Camp Banting has CHEO staff working there and the councillors all have Diabetes and have followed a strict training program.  Not only does this give these children the amazing opportunity to be in a fun camp but it also gives parents a break to sleep through the nights.  That's right. I learned that parents with children that have type 1 Diabetes don't get much sleep at night as they check their child's insulin levels:
1-before the child goes to bed
2-again, before one of the parents go to bed
3-the parents wake up somewhere between midnight and 2am to do another insulin check on their child
4-and then the first parent to wake up checks it again
You, see, these parents want to make sure that their child will wake up in the morning.  Can you imagine how much they worry about the health and well being of their child?
This is just one of the stories that was shared that opened up my eyes to the importance of fundraising for the Canadian Diabetes Association.  I hope you will keep this in mind as you support my efforts.  I am committed to making a difference in the lives of Canadians touched by Diabetes and contributing to the more than 32million dollars already raised for the Canadian Diabetes Association by Team Diabetes to support the many initiatives.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


On Tuesday January 24th, Keller Williams VIP Realty held their annual "kick-off" event to help KICK START a successful year for their agents and employees.  I always look forward to attending this event as our brokerage invites a special guest speaker whom is always inspiring and motivating. I gets me rev-ed up and ready for the great opportunities that await me in the new year! 
This year, to my surprise, my Team Leader, MIETTE DRIVER invited me to come up on stage (no, I wasn't the special guest to speak about my my goal to make a big difference in my life, and in the fight against Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by having the honour of representing my Country while completing a half-marathon in Iceland.
I was caught by total surprise, but I was so happy and honored to have the opportunity to share this exciting story with over 100 people.
After I finished speaking, Miette encouraged everyone to support my cause to help me reach my $6,100 fundraising goal.  I was so touched that Miette thought of me and that she was so incredibly supportive...although not surprised by her action as it is the Keller Williams Way!  Keller Williams agents are different than most...we pride ourselves on helping others and giving back...and ONCE AGAIN....MY KW FAMILY has demonstrated this.
Pledges and support have come pouring in from agents in the office.  Right after the event, I had people come up to me and tell me that they would be happy to run with me, that they had contacts for me to connect with, and just some amazing support!  My team leader was contacted by many agents in the office asking if they could have an automatic deduction from their commission cheque go towards my fundraising and my wonderful Broker WENDY BELL has committed to give $25 per cheque for my run.  Keller Williams is truly blessed to have such kind hearted and generous agents.....I am truly blessed to have them in my life.
Thank you Keller Williams Family for your tremendous support!

Monday, January 23, 2012


Spent a fun evening brainstorming fundraising ideas with friends and came up with my theme song.  I wanted this song to be fun, inspirational and representative of my life now.  Here it is:

Whenever you hear the word "Africa" replace it with "Iceland" :o)
Thanks April and Cody...luv ya.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday the 14th-The morning after

OMG.....what have I signed up for? 
Reality kicks in....doh!

Julie's past running experience:  10KM run - 13yrs ago :o(

Current Physical activity level- Started walking/running on treadmill daily after Christmas

Endurance level: I can pull my 7yr old daughter on her GT almost up to the end of my street....struggling getting back.

Top amount of money ever fundraised: no more than $1000.00
Feelings: Excitement, fear, worry, motivated, anxiety, excitement

Friday the 13th, 2012-Sign up day

So excited to hear on HOT 89.9 that the Canadian Diabetes  association was holding a walk/run event in Iceland with return airfare and room accommodations paid to raise funds for Diabetes.  I had a goal on my vision board to complete a half-marathon before 2013.  What a great opportunity this would be!  AND coincidentally, the day before, I had met with a new client that told me she had been to Iceland and wanted to travel back as she had really enjoyed the experience.  I run down to my computer and look up details....UNBELIEVABLE!!!!  Don't I find out that the half-marathon date is scheduled on the exact day of my 40th birthday!  This is too uncanny!  Almost like it was meant to be.  I thought, what a great cause to grandpa has lived with Diabetes and I remember a boy in my grade school class having a seizure in the middle of the class.  It was so scary to witness at that young age...I didn't know what was happening and had never seen this happen turned out his sugar levels were too low.  He had diabetes!
So I do a bit more research to find out commitments and turns out I have to raise a minimum of $6,100 by July 6th.  Well, this changed my excitement to fear and worry!  How would I ever raise that kind of money?  But I was sooooooo excited and I felt like this was meant to be as there were to many coincidences with my life!  After some "himming and hawing", I remembered my New Years Resolution: "Just Do It".  So I thought...what the heck...I'm going to register.  I'll just do it! And I did.